Got to sneak in a quick visit to Easter Jeep Safari this year in Moab. I’ve always wanted to check out this cool offroad event, and decided last-minute to make it happen this year. As I rolled into Moab in the Sportsmobile it was instant sensory overload, with cool rigs everywhere! So many cool Jeeps, tow rigs and other offroad machines. I counted at least 4 Sportsmobile cruising town as well:) I got to catch up with some good friends, night offroad the Sportsmobile, camp way out in the desert under a full moon and take in a full day of Jeep Safari awesome. Lots to do and see! I hope to get out on a trail run next year and see what the Moab offroading scene is really all about.

Click on the images below to see all the Jeep Safari Vehicle Porn: