There is automotive bling in every direction at The SEMA Show, and this year was no different. As a purveyor of the van life I felt it necessary to capture and share some of the vans, and van like vehicles, that caught my eye at the 2014 show.
(Complete SEMA Show 2014 coverage HERE)
I love this A-Team Van, but what is up with those crazy custom side mirrors???
This 23 Window VW Bus shined bright amongst the other rides at the Ignited event at the Linq.
The new Mercedes mini vans are pretty classy rides. This DJ booth that has been tuned by RennTech would be quite a fun party mobile!
Counts Kustoms panel truck with DEEEEP paint.
Such a clean classic panel truck build.
Surfs up! Don’t think I’d want to put smelly wetsuits and sandy gear in this beautiful ride!!!
How looow can you go? This pic dosen’t do this quality paint job justice.
KIA Mini van that opens up into a full bar. Ballast Point Brewing has a sweet events vehicle!
Classic Econoline van/pickup dragster thing. Looks like fun ๐
This GM Futureliner has been fully restored to way better than new shape. Such a cool unique rig!
(Complete SEMA Show 2014 coverage HERE)