(Photos: Sarah Blessington & Bryon Dorr)

It was an insane push to get the EEXP complete for the 2014 Overland Expo! The crew at XPCamper are second to none, and made it all come together in the 25th hour. While “everything” didn’t get done on the build in time for Expo, it did get on the road and is looking good. The original plan was to get to Expo Thursday night and be ready to show off all the awesome when the event kicked off Friday morning. In the end, we didn’t even leave the XPCamper factory until 8:34pm Thursday night, which is a 15 hr drive away from the event grounds for Overland Expo. With less than 7hrs sleep in the 72hrs previous to the big drive, Sarah and I switched off driving every 1hr or so, and put the miles behind us. We rolled into the event exhausted and excited at noon Friday. The response by all in attendance was instant and truly amazing. We love our followers and fans! You all rock, and we can’t thank you enough for getting behind all the crazy ideas and adventures that we like to commit to. The following is a short photo essay of the EEXP’s debut at Overland Expo 2014.

We also wouldn’t have been able to put together such an amazing rig without the huge support from the many companies that got behind this project: