–Tues-Fri TMG Coverage (part 1 of 2)–
-Full expanded TMG MEGA Gallery HERE on FB-
The TMG’s are action packed for all 4 days of the event, and Saturday is probably the “big” day if you had to pick one. There is so much happening, but I “only” managed to photograph: the Downriver Kayak Sprint, X-Country Mtn Bike Race, Freeride Dual, Kayak Freestyle, Mud Run, the free Expendables concert and some of the quality partying at the Teva House. It was really cool to see competitors of all ages tackling the mtn bike course, as there was even a pusher bike class for the really little kids. The Freeride dual course looked really challenging with some big obstacles and an uphill finish. In practice there where many crashes and uncompleted obstacles, but it seemed like everyone brought their “A” game during the comp. The kayak freestyle men’s semis were mid day and brought the field of 10 down to 5. There were some big upsets with this cut, with the likes of Troutman, Pringle and Doumoulin getting cut after scoring big rides in prelims. In the evening finals everyone was throwing bigger rides with higher water levels and some big money on the line. In the women’s final Clair O’Hara completely dominated throwing down a 660 on her first ride, more than double what 2nd place competitor Haley Mills was able to pull off. Courtney Kerin ended up in 3rd with Adriene Levknecht flying high and close behind in 4th. In the men’s final Stephen Wright immediately set the bar with the winning score of 1190! Stephen also went HUGE on his 3rd ride in finals throwing down the first ever 5 move combo in competition, “only” scoring an 1150 on that ride, the second highest score of the comp!!! Dane Jackson again showed his talent in freestyle and pulled off an 1140 for 2nd with Dustin Urban staying on the podium in 3rd with a super strong 960. In the big air impromptu comp after finals Dustin threw his unbelievable signature clean mcnasty to take home the win, and a new GoPro:) The night capped off with a great concert by the Expendables and some killer parties all over Vail Village.

Sunday was a little shorter day, but was still action packed with crowd pleasing events: Road Bike Time Trial, Slacklining Comp, Raft Cross, some SUP demonstrations and the ever popular Kayak 8 Ball Race. Many of the time trial cyclist had some serious gear and where maching through the course. The intensity by some competitors was awesome to watch. Other competitors brought what they had and where there to have a good time on a world-class time trial course. The Gibbon Games Slacklineing Comp was probably my favorite event as a spectator. These guys looked like world-class gymnast performing their hardest tricks while balanced on a small piece of webbing! The energy from the crowd was huge and the competitiors fed off it with bigger and more impressive tricks and combos being thrown in each round. The big trick comp between each round, spectator dance off and tons of free shwag just added to the high energy scene. The final event of the TMGs is always the Kayak 8 Ball Race, pitting 4 racers at a time in a boatercross format against a short ww course full of obstacles and fellow boaters, or 8 ballers, trying to slow them down. This year’s event did not disappoint with some huge hits, from both 8 ballers and competitors, as well as a big free for all finally that saw long time 8 baller Ken “Hobie” take a swim as competitors ganged up on him. Hobie did not disappoint and capped off an amazing TMG with a bootie beer in front of the huge crowd. I think Hobie will be hungry for more 8 Ball carnage next year, so be ready racers:)

I look forward to coming back to many more Teva Mtn Games as it truly is one of the best North American adventure sports festivals going. The photos are due Monday June 11th for the photo contest, wish me luck!
–Louder Than 11 TMG Highlight Video (Fun little highlight real from TMG.)-
-Don’t miss the full expanded TMG MEGA Gallery HERE on FB-