This quality little flick was inspired by Will Gadd’s blogpost: “Breathe, avoid McDonalds.” Both the film and post are well worth the time in front of the computer. The message, storytelling and philosophy on life all ring true for me. A few quotes from the post especially hold true for my philosophies on the best ways to live life to the fullest:
“You see, as someone smarter once figured out, an object in motion tends to stay in motion, and an object at rest tends to stay at rest.”
“We’re all circling the drain every day of our lives; move faster and you stay farther from the hole for longer, like a marble in the sink.”
“Rest days should be a welcome anomaly, not a way of life.”
“Life’s more fun when you move.”
While it is extremely hard to carve time out of the hustle of our daily lives to get moving, I feel that there is no better way to truly live, and keep living, than to breathe hard and MOVE. Now stop sitting in front of your computer and get out there!!!